Ed, Edd n Eddy Fanon Wiki
Edd edd 174x52

Aliases/Nicknames: "Double D/Double Dee" (by everyone)
"Eddward/Edward" (by his parents)
"Sockhead" (by Eddy)
"(Double) Dork" (by Kevin)
"Girlfriend" (by Eddy's brother)
Age: Unknown (middle school age)
Descriptors: Book smart
Hair Color: Black (presumed)
Eye Color: Green (suggested through title card artwork)
Blue (in the comics, occasionally)
First Appearance: "The Ed-Touchables"

Edd, better known as "Double D/Double Dee", is the tritagonist in the 1999 Cartoon Network series, Ed, Edd n Eddy.

He's a textbook teacher's pet with a love for jawbreakers -enough so to entertain his friends' dubious methods of obtaining these. He's notably different from Ed and Eddy in behaviour, especially as the series progressed, and most of the cul-de-sac seems to tolerate his presence.

Within the Ed, Edd n Eddy fandom, Edd is the most popular character and usually plays the main lead in romantic fanfiction and adult fanart. Common tropes applied to his character is the claim his parents are neglectful and he's aware of it, the assertion he's homosexual, the amplification of his "feminine" traits, to give him a soul patch as an adult and/or keep his trademark beanie part of the look, and redesigning him with more or notably long hair.

Because of Edd's habit to wear a hat and the show's insinuation he's hiding something remarkable, many have shared their own ideas over the years. The answer has never been revealed, despite Danny Antonucci's claim he would in the movie.

From the show's conception till around the 2010s, a sizeable amount of fans believed he was either blond, based on a misunderstood interview with an A.k.a Cartoon staff member and a wig he was wearing in "Quick Shot Ed", or had cornrows, based on a nowadays offline Cartoon Network game that was created without the involvement of A.k.a Cartoon.
Black messy/long hair eventually surpassed both trends, assumedly thanks to the introduction of "the tangled mullet"-theory, though most think it's more likely Edd is hiding a scar or deformity, inflicted by a game of dodgeball gone wrong.

During this same period, Edd was primarily shipped with Marie Kanker and Eddy, until interest shifted to Kevin roughly a decade later. Other common, romantic contenders are Nazz, May Kanker, and original characters.

In "Your Ed Here", Edd's middle name was stated to be "Marian", which is notoriously misspelled as "Marion" amongst fans -in spite of the rhyming jokes the kids made in the episode, which require the name to end with "-an".

NOTE: Users may not edit the above introduction paragraph, including the character's info box! Looking for canon information about Edd? Click here!

Edd Continuations

Below is a list of continuations, explorations, and reimaginings of the original Edd, created by fans:
(Note to users: Please keep your descriptions short and add a link to the full page in order to prevent clutter.)

Edd Walker Edd Tonbridge Edd Hart
(By unknown)

"Eddward Marion Walker", born in Philadelphia on September 20, 1999, is a girl who takes on the identity of a boy. She's bald, which only her family knows about. She's the smartest and youngest of the Eds.

(By VampireMeerkat)

"Eddward Marian Tonbridge" is Edd as portrayed in Ed, Edd n Eddy Highschool and Ed, Edd n Eddy Working. Many of the headcanons implemented take into account hints and details given in the Ed, Edd n Eddy series.

(By Easymac120)

"Eddward Marion Hart" is Edd as portrayed in Ed, Edd n Eddy: The Teen Series. He's scrawny, has grown out his hair, and swapped his usual red shirt for a polo shirt. He's smarter than his younger self, but less behaved; and curses when frustrated.

Edd Cardsworth

Edd Pensky

(By supersaiyan3goku)

"Edd Marian Cardsworth" is Edd's given name in multiple different fanfictions written by the creator.

(By Raralabelle1)

"Eddward Marian Pensky" is Edd as portrayed in An, Edd n Eddy. He looks notably young, despite stated to be 14, and wears white gloves, a striped shirt, and a big yellow bow tie with orange dots. He's loved by girls and has dated many.

(By DogDays124)

Dde is the personality-swapped Edd from De, Dde, n Ydde. He's dumb, loud, and angry most of the time. His room is a mess and he enjoys reading lewd magazines.


Edd (Peach Creek)

(By pesteringchum)

"Daedalia", nicknamed "Double D" or "Dee Dee", is Edd as a trans woman. She transitioned in her young adult years and initially lost contact with the others after graduating high school, but returned to the cul-de-sac upon quitting med school. She's in the TV entertainment business as a scientific consultant and special effects artist/mechanic.

(By George Abingdon)

Edd as featured in Peach Creek. With his parents gone often, Edd became very independent. He's diagnosed with OCD and moderate depression, and has to take Prozac regularly. Meanwhile, school has become so monotonous to him, Edd is close to abandoning his well-behaved self.

(By John the big ODST)

Edd-545, nicknamed "Spartan 545", is Edd's alter-ego in Cul-de-Sac Alien Invasion. He's the commander of the defense force tasked to protect Peach Creek. His special attire greatly improves his movements.



(By VampireMeerkat)

Ann is the female Edd from An, Ann n Anny and another interpretation of "Edd Tonbridge". Unlike the Edd Tonbridge version, she has short hair. She's the main lead in the extensive fanfiction series, Until I See You Again.

(By DogDays124)

Edoardo is the Italian Edd from Edgardo, Edoardo, n Eduardo. He has a notably different, tougher look to him compared to the original Edd.

(By DogDays124)

Ab is the Dutch Edd from Ad, Ab, n Abraham. He wears clogs and loves "Edelweiss" from The Sound of Music.



(By VampireMeerkat)

Aad is the Dutch Edd from Ad, Aad n Adrie and another interpretation of "Edd Tonbridge". He does well in class, yet oddly enough, his kindness is what makes him the target of bullying.

(By VampireMeerkat)

Adil is the Arab Edd from Adl, Adil n Adiy and another interpretation of "Edd Tonbridge". He and his family are science-focussed and reject the Muslim faith, which forced them to move to an unmapped village and start anew.

(By VampireMeerkat)

Adooeette is the Native American Edd from Adoeete, Adooeette n Adahy and another interpretation of "Edd Tonbridge". He lost his parents at a young age and lives together with other shattered tribes. He wears his father's headdress, hoping to return it the day his parents return.



(By Typenull2)

Eddo is the Japanese Edd from Edo, Eddo n Uzu. Whilst attending a ramen restaurant with his father, a burning piece of tripe dropped onto his head and left him scarred. He wears a rice farming hat to cover it up.

(By VampireMeerkat)

Eii is the Japanese Edd from Ei, Eii n Eiji and another interpretation of "Edd Tonbridge". He's in actuality a combat robot sent by the government to stop a hidden threat from emerging.

(By VampireMeerkat)

Eboe is the African Edd from Eboo, Eboe n Ebay and another interpretation of "Edd Tonbridge". His reason for helping his friends with their obvious scamming practises is to save up money for medical school and become a much needed doctor in his community.



(By Chisanga Kapumpa)

Emmerich is the German Edd from Emeric, Emmerich n Emil. He has an emotionally distant father who only cares about his academic successes, while his mother helicopters him.

(By Kim2547b)

Edito is the Mexican Edd from Edo, Edito n Ediz. He wears a large, pointed sombrero.

(By VampireMeerkat)

Ɉɘɿʞ is Edd as an alien, as featured in Kret, Ɉɘɿʞ n Kr.Y, and another interpretation of "Edd Tonbridge". He's a physical amalgamation of pain and wrapped up like a mummy in order to spare his surroundings of "experiencing him".



Edd the ferret
(By Captian melon head)

Ugg is Edd as a caveman, as featured in Ug, Ugg n Uggy. He wears an actual sock on his head, ripped pants, and a ripped red shirt. He's the only Ug without sharp teeth.

(By VampireMeerkat)

Alp is Edd as a mythical creature, as featured in Alp, Alp(-Luachra) n Alphyn, and another interpretation of "Edd Tonbridge". He's a trickster without the desire to trick, implying his "evil eye" was destroyed at a young age. He likes learning about humans and other mythological creatures.

(By VampireMeerkat)

Edd as a woodland critter, as featured in Fast, Free n Furry, and another interpretation of "Edd Tonbridge". He's a pet ferret who knows how to open his own cage. With his owners always gone throughout the day, he's free to meet up with his friends in the wild.


Below is a list of family members, created by fans:



Nephews, Nieces, and Cousins





Below is a list of content that includes Edd, created by fans:


Below is a collection of Edd fanart.

(Note to users: Please don't add more than one piece per source in order to prevent clutter.)
Pro tip: After clicking on an image, use the left and right keyboard arrows to easily move to the next or previous image.

Solo Artwork

Artwork featuring just Edd (hatless Edds not included).

Hat Theories and Hatless Designs

Artwork with a strong focus on what's under Edd's hat.

(Click "Expand" to see more)>


Artwork featuring Edd with at least one other person (hatless Edds not included).

See Also
